Words of wisdom from Griffins owner

In Loving Memory of Griffin (aka “Griffy.” “Griff,” “Griffy-Griff,” “The Griffers,” and “Boo-Boo”)

August 12, 2002 – February 4, 2011

Things I learned From Griffy – written by Griffs Owner

  • It’s okay that not everyone’s a “Tigger.” There is beauty in gentle souls like his. If we were all alike, we’d never have an appreciation for how different personalities can complement and bring out the best in us…or at the very least, introduce us to a different side of ourselves that we might not have otherwise recognized.
  • Sometimes you don’t need words to make things okay.  Loving eyes and a chin resting on your knee can work miracles.
  • If only we were all so gentle with each other, so unconditional with our love and so simple with our demands — “Please: Just be with me. That’s all I ask.”   — would we really need other kinds of therapy?
  • Whether you’re seeing someone you care about after 8 hours, 8 days or 8 weeks, always greet them like they’re the best thing that ever happened — because you never know if you’ll have that chance again.
  • “Charity work” is as easy as just being there. And letting the forgotten ones know they are not, in fact, invisible.
  • Change is hard (especially in the form of a bratty puppy sister), but it often makes us accidental role models…if not heroes… to someone just learning the ropes.
  • Sometimes you just need to suck it up and be stoic. This, too, shall pass.
  • Enjoy the ride — that’s where the fun is.  And he did — from Philly to Austin, Austin to Minneapolis, Minneapolis to New Hampshire. And back again.
  • Letting go is really, really tough. But you have to be honest when it’s time to move one.

